Rosenia NANGLE (*1839 +15 Sep 1906)

Husband 1 : Samuel Robert LEGGETT
  1. +Thomas LEGGETT (*8 May 1857 +27 Apr 1925)
  2. +Mary LEGGETT (*1860 )
  3.  Kate Catherine LEGGETT (*1866 )
  4.  Samuel Robert Don Calessa LEGGETT (*1870 +16 Jul 1943)
  5.  Edward LEGGETT (*1873 )
  6.  Henry Joseph LEGGETT (*19 Mar 1875 )
  7.  Rose LEGGETT (*1880 )
  8.  Samuel LEGGETT (*ABT 1862 +ABT 1862)
  9. +Catherine LEGGETT (*ABT 1865 +19 Jun 1920)
  10.  William LEGGETT (*ABT 1875 +ABT 1875)
  11. +Joseph Henry LEGGETT (*20 Apr 1876 +2 Jan 1960)
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[4362] Parents were Thomas Nangle and Martha Nolan
Had a brother Thomas

Rosenial's husbands half brother Henry William Baker Newson, married Rosenia's sister Mary NANGLE (1836 -1889)

[4363] Dublin, Ireland

[4365] Australia, on ship Mathilde

[15721] Victoria, Australia

[4359] [S34] Pamela Gabriel

[4360] [S223] Alberta McGowan

[4361] [S63] Leslie Leggett

[4364] [S63] Leslie Leggett

[4366] [S223] Alberta McGowan

[15720] [S63] Leslie Leggett

[15722] [S30] Malcolm Leggett