John Gregory WILKINSON ( )

Wife 1 : Elizabeth GOFF
  1.  Ann WILKINSON (*25 Oct 1821 )
  2. +Emma WILKINSON (*21 Jul 1824 +21 Oct 1911)
  3.  Mary Ann WILKINSON ( )
  4.  John Branch WILKINSON (*11 Oct 1829 +1838)
  5.  William Thomas WILKINSON (*Mar 1831 +1833)
  6.  Frederick WILKINSON (*25 Oct 1834 +1835)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[9814] from April Moran:
John Gregory Wilkinson baptised on 7th March 1790 at St. Mary Church, Whitechapel, London, unfortunately no date of birth given - the word 'Roadside' is what the main Whitechapel Road was known as, by the local community.


[9819] Trunk Maker

[9811] [S184] Marriage certificate of daughter Emma Wilkinson

[9812] [S448] E-mail correspondence. , e-mail<.

[9813] [S448] E-mail correspondence. , e-mail<.

[9816] [S451] Baptism entry for Ann Wilkinson

[9817] [S449] Baptism entry for Emma Wilkinson

[9818] [S450] Baptism record for Mary Ann Wilkinson

[9820] [S184] Marriage certificate of daughter Emma Wilkinson

[16077] [S448] E-mail correspondence. , e-mail<.