Austin William KEENS (*9 Jan 1834 +11 Sep 1866)

Wife 1 : Lucy Annie SAYNOR
  1.  Austin William KEENS (*1856 )
  2.  Samuel Francis KEENS (*16 Aug 1857 +19 Feb 1914)
  3.  Maurice Lewis KEENS (*1859 +1888)
  4.  Alfred Lawrence KEENS (*1860 +1950)
  5.  Paul Barnard KEENS (*26 Jan 1863 +11 May 1950)
  6.  Edmund KEENS (*19 Sep 1864 +ABT Feb 1937)
  7.  Ethyl Mary KEENS (*1865 +11 Nov 1926)
  8.  Mary C KEENS (*1866 )
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[13354] Artist - portrait and landscape painter


[13356] Noted on Birth Certificate of son - Edmund in 1864 that he was a landscape and portrait painter
Noted in Marriage Cert of son - Edmund in 1897 that he was a water-colour artist

[13351] [S352] Duncan Mackway-Jones

[13352] [S352] Duncan Mackway-Jones

[13353] [S352] Duncan Mackway-Jones

[13357] [S352] Duncan Mackway-Jones

[16119] [S352] Duncan Mackway-Jones