Father: Nathaniel Wesley ACORN (*6 Dec 1901 +5 Dec 1981)
Mother: Norah Peggy PALMER (*4 Mar 1908 +30 Aug 1987)

Wesley Lorne ACORN (Private)

Wife 1 : Geraldine MCREADY

  1.  Vicki Lynn ACORN (Private)
  2.  Robert Lorne ACORN (Private)
  3.  Tracy Marie ACORN (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                          |                         |______________________
 _Nathaniel Wesley ACORN _|
|                         |                          ______________________
|                         |_________________________|
|                                                   |______________________
|--Wesley Lorne ACORN 
|                                                    _Alfred Lewis PALMER _
|                          _Herbert Charles PALMER _|
|                         |                         |_Ellen Harriet DEARY _+
|_Norah Peggy PALMER _____|
                          |                          ______________________
                          |_Florence RANT __________|

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[2979] Private