Enoch HORNE ( +ABT 1806)

Wife 1 : Mary Charlotte DEARY
  1.  Noah HORNE ( +BEF 1803)
  2. +Mary Charlotte HORNE
  3. +Elizabeth HORNE
  4.  Enoch HORNE (*29 Aug 1786 )
  5. +Enoch HORNE (*29 Aug 1789 +17 Oct 1853)
  6.  Robert HORNE (*31 Dec 1793 +4 Sep 1877)
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[1817] [deary.ged]

!MARRIAGE: of St Andrews. Witnesses Frans. (?) Horne, John Tomlinson.
!PROBATE: Will made 30 Jun 1803, proved 1 Feb 1806. Refers to property in St
Andrews, Norwich. All left, in varying amounts, to: Charlotte, eldest daughter;
son Enoch; daughter Elizabeth; son Robert. Executors and guardians for
children: Thomas Lubbock of Norwich, gent; Benjamin Green of Norwich, weaver.
Witnesses William Palmer, George King.

[1816] [S219] Will proved 1 Feb 1806

[15192] [S400] Parish Register