Father: Charles William HOPKINS (*19 Aug 1864 +10 Oct 1939)
Mother: Mary Ann KEENS (*14 Dec 1884 +8 Mar 1978)

George Robert HOPKINS (*2 Jul 1917 +1 Nov 1997)

Wife 1 : Mary Ann Elizabeth ROMER
  1.  Elsie Ivy HOPKINS (Private)
  2.  Rosemary HOPKINS (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                           |                       |________________
 _Charles William HOPKINS _|
|                          |                        ________________
|                          |_______________________|
|                                                  |________________
|--George Robert HOPKINS 
|                                                   _William KEENS _+
|                           _Joseph William KEENS _|
|                          |                       |_Ann SKERRITT __
|_Mary Ann KEENS __________|
                           |                        ________________
                           |_Maryann SKERRITT _____|

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[10429] George Robert promised his brother Charles Joseph when he was dying that he would look after his daughter Joyce [known as Dolly]
on the 23 August 1942 George married Mary, Charles's widow [Elsie Hopkins][William Keens 1.FTW]

[My Family.FTW]

George Robert was a Cooper by Trade. He was responsible along with Alfred Edward Way for the installation of the Vats at Buckstone abbey in Devon. Both George and Alfred worked with Herbert William Keens in the 1930s at the Cooperage. George and Alfred finished their working live as Coopers in the London docks.

When George was a baby he suffered from Polio from which he almost died. As a child he had to wear a leg iron. All his life he walked with a pronounced limp. Maybe this is why he was not christened for so long.

[10430] 66 Stanley Rd, London, E15

[10432] St Aidens, Carpenters Rd, Stratford, London

[10434] St Aidens, Carpenters Rd, Stratford, England

[10436] Newham General Hospital, Plaistow, London, England

[15654] West Ham Registry Office, West Ham Lane, Stratford, England

[10425] [S187] Elsie Hopkins

[10426] [S190] Tony Goggins

[10427] [S187] Elsie Hopkins

[10428] [S187] Elsie Hopkins

[10431] [S190] Tony Goggins

[10433] [S190] Tony Goggins

[10435] [S187] Elsie Hopkins

[10437] [S190] Tony Goggins

[15653] [S190] Tony Goggins

[15655] [S187] Elsie Hopkins